Monday, July 7, 2008

Camp Electric 08

Welcome to my blog. I am so jazzed. I am back home after an awesome few days at Camp Electric and a great trip to D.C. with my family. The camp was in Nashville and 1000 kids from 48 states came to ramp up their musical chops and be inspired and taught by great Christian artists like Mark Harris, Toby Mac, Leeland, Phil Joel, Jeremy Camp, Britt Nicole, Skillet and many more. It was so much fun to work with the singers at the camp. They were awesome kids and very talented. Mark Harris and I taught the more than 200 singers in the vocal seminar every morning.

I focused on the importance of vocal warm-ups before a performance and taught about how to do a vocal workout. I suggested the singers approach their vocal workouts like an athlete in training. I suggested they “work out” their voice for 45 min 3 to 4 times a week. Warm up, and then do specific exercises to strengthen the voice, increase the range and work new habits into your voice, all the while ruthlessly avoiding strain. We talked about vocal registers and how to sing through your break. We also talked about interpreting the song, and singing in tune. I taught them my favorite 1-2-3-4-5 exercise for tuning.

Several of the kids came up and tried out the exercises in front of everybody. They were wonderful singers and were great sports about “singing” my weird sounds. They were really helpful and demonstrated to the group how quickly you can improve your voice and increase muscle memory through the exercises.

Check out the actual Camp Electric Vocal Handouts here.
If you want to hear examples of some of these exercises go here to listen.

I will be coaching and singing in Baton Rouge, LA on July 18-20. If you would like to book a lesson or schedule a seminar for your worship team, contact me at

Camp Electric Singer’s Rock!