It seems to be the time of year. Folks are preparing for college scholarships, auditions for bands, shows and yes, most are watching those American Idol auditions as well. So here are some helpful tips for preparing for an audition.
Choose the Right Song
The song needs to be an old, tried and true that you have sung before -many times. Often singers will choose a new song that is exciting to them and ignore the one they are familiar with and are tired of. Remember that most of the time the judge has never heard you before. The song may be old to you but it is completely new to them. It should show off your range without exposing the weaker parts of your voice. It needs to be in the perfect key for you with not one note too high or too low for you. It is amazing to me that singers will audition with songs that have "just one spot that is iffy". This song should be one you have done so many times you could nail it in your sleep. Usually, choose a big ballad or a fun "up-song" for an audition. If you are expected to bring music for an accompanist or a track to sing with, practice with an accompanist or your track until you are very comfortable with the song and accompaniment. . Do not spend a majority of your time practicing a cappella and do not sing a cappella unless you are specifically asked to, as on American idol.
Sleep well, drink water
It is really important to be hydrated and drinking water 30 minutes before won't make a big difference. Drink lots of water days before. Eat , rest , take care of yourself (simple stuff that works).
Be Yourself
Some positive comments I have heard thrown around by Randy , Simon and the likes are “I loved your confidence” and “that was very authentic.”
Be yourself, be confident and focused. If you will discipline yourself to focus on your lyric and really communicating it well, you will be surprised at how well you sing! My philosophy is that we don't really hide what we are thinking to our listeners. They are aware if we are really "not there". Focusing excessively on how you sound can make a performance stiff and boring. Your judges just like any audience won’t to be moved to "believe you". Enjoying your song can go a long way toward making your listeners enjoy you. Remember that you have something special to share that no one else can. Chose a song that you can really interpret. A song that you feel passionately about one that can bring the extra intensity you need to help you win your audition.
Get Honest Feedback
Honestly, I hate watching the early shows of American Idol. I know many folks are just trying for their moment of fame but I have met too many singers who really don’t sing well and just can’t accept it. It is painful for me to watch them be genuinely hurt and confused. Your mama loves you but unless she is a professional, get a second opinion. Listening to critical advice can greatly improve your performance. Until they day we die we can improve our singing and our communication skills. Record yourself. Practice with karaoke tracks or instrument accompaniment so that you can really hear what you sound like and improve.
Don’t Give up
I started singing at 14. I just decided I wanted to. My friend Marcy was interested in singing. Her dad loved country music and would play the guitar and Marcy would sing along. My family’s musical expertise was playing the radio. I remember the day Marcy and I took turns wearing the headphones and listening to each other sing along without the music. When it came to my turn she just shook her head like, “That is wrong, please stop!” Oh, well, I didn’t give up. In fact, I started going to auditions for musicals and school ensembles. I drug Marcy along to each one. For the first 4 auditions she got every part! I got rejected. I didn’t give up. I took voice lessons and six months later made 2nd chair in All- State Chorus. By the way, Marcy decided she really didn’t like being on stage. She became my biggest fan and is still my best friend.
I really felt like singing was something that God had given me to do. I just had some work to do so that it was pleasing for others to hear. (He is happy with a Joyful noise!) Get a vocal coach, listen to good singers. Take good constructive advice to heart and don’t give up. Your voice is unique, a gift. I would love to help you. My Singers Workshop series is a great tool for improving your voice. It is an incredible deal as well. Just $40 bucks for The Singer’s Workshop Volume 1 & Volume 2:Rx for Your Voice. Plus a free E-book. Check it out here:
Skype lessons and packages are available now as well.
Design your own vocal package-* $100 per hour or 5 lessons for $400.
These lessons are good for up to a year and you can take them all in one week or one month or spread them out over several months.
Find me at or on Face book or at 251.929.7841
"Break a Leg"
Many blessings to you!